While I won't do this every week (never fear; I'll be certain to bore you in other ways!), I think it's helpful for me to look back over the hiccup that was last week. In every way that week one was a great success, week two was a terrific challenge.
* Physically - I snacked a bit and gave into some cravings, but for the most part I'm doing okay on my eating. It hasn't exactly been a "food is fuel" reminder, but my snacks were (mostly) healthier than the norm for me. That said, I barely worked out last week. I didn't work out Monday morning because Leah (my workout buddy) wasn't feeling the greatest and didn't want to push it since we were both looking forward to Pilates at night. We did go to Pilates, and it hurt worse than almost anything I've ever done. It certainly hurt longer. And I was amazed to find out that 90% of my weight is apparently in my legs. Or at least it was by the 85th time the instructor made me lift them. That soreness meant I didn't work out Tuesday morning. Then Wednesday I had a thing with my toe (trust me, too gross for such a public forum!!). We worked out Thursday morning, but then there was a blizzard on Friday. We planned to work out Saturday, but our cram-too-many-things-into-one-day schedule didn't allow for that. I did sleep more, but mostly only because I didn't get my lazy butt out of bed in the morning. Somehow in the middle of all of that, I hit my goal and have lost 2.8 pounds since 2012 began.
* Spiritually - Because I didn't get out of bed to work out or even in time to sit down and read my daily Bible and prayer readings, I fell behind. I hated that feeling and have now caught up (reading five days' worth Sunday, yesterday, and today, splitting up the four sections each day). In a way it was helpful to have skipped the readings, because it allowed me to see how different my attitude is when I read my Bible in the morning versus when I don't. My oldest is NOT a morning person, so the morning routine can get a bit tense at our house as I need to remind her several times to get her shoes on, finish her milk, brush her teeth, find her coat, and go back in the house to get her bag. Last week my temper flared, and I was short with her almost every morning. There was a lot of yelling on Friday, too, as she was home for the snow day and less than enthused about spending the day here instead of with her friends. Then, this morning, her routine was no different. There were still countless reminders, but I just had so much more peace. There's a lesson in that as I reflect on all that starting my day in the Word brings to my life. I stink at writing down my daily "thankful" notes, so my focus really needs to be on that in order to make it a habit.
* Creatively - I still haven't written my review for my first book of the year, and I'll be finishing book number two either today or tomorrow. So, maybe you'll get lucky and receive TWO book reviews in one week. I know you can't wait. The late start to my days has also made blogging tricky, so I'm behind in that. It's interesting that I've begun thinking in "blog" as I confront my day looking for what I want to make a subject or where my muses lie. I've missed thinking that way and enjoy the feeling of being a writer that it gives me.
I had a conversation today with my Writer Friend as we discussed my full DVR. She said that maybe there would come a point soon that I say "If I haven't watched it in X weeks, then I need to just delete it" or that I consider the fact that there are X number of episodes stored there and I'm losing interest in catching up . . . for some reason I don't like that idea. It seems so strange that I should care so much, but there's something about me that is clinging to the fact that I'm missing out. On what, I'm not really sure. Many of the shows I don't even miss. "Hawaii Five-O" is the only show that I will actually stay up late to watch, and there are only a few that I wish I had time to sit down and enjoy. But deleting those others--the ones I have three or four episodes stored--just feels so final. Like I'm acknowledging that self discipline sometimes means giving up vegging on the sofa wasting time over the latest hilarity to hit Marshall and Lily or what havoc Jack (& the Beanstalk) is creating for everyone's favorite Grimm and what songs Blaine and Curt are mashing together at McKinley. I know I don't care about it, but I think I care about not just lying around every day and actually getting several things accomplished--by 8:30 a.m.
For the mean time, I have this blog entry completed, Peter Alexander is filling me in on the latest campaign news on the Nightly News, Bossypants is waiting for me to finish it before tomorrow night's book club, and my wonderful husband is finishing up his dinner date with our three beautiful daughters. A hiccup is a just a hiccup, and this week is back on track.
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